Petyr Baelish

Latest Petyr "Little Finger" Baelish famous quotes

The deed is done, faded into nothing. Only speaking of it can make it real

This Petyr Baelish Quote is rated: 3.85 from: 20 votes

I don't want friends like me. My new friends are predictable

This Petyr Baelish Quote is rated: 3.88 from: 17 votes

I'd risk everything to get what I want

This Petyr Baelish Quote is rated: 4.25 from: 16 votes

Always keep your foes confused. If they don't know who you are or what you want, they can't know what you plan to do next

This Petyr Baelish Quote is rated: 4.08 from: 25 votes

A man with no motive is a man no one suspects

This Petyr Baelish Quote is rated: 4.15 from: 33 votes

Money buy a man's silence for a time. A bolt in the heart buys it forever

This Petyr Baelish Quote is rated: 3.29 from: 14 votes

Chaos is a ladder, many who try to climb it fail, never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb, but they refuse

This Petyr Baelish Quote is rated: 3.92 from: 24 votes