
Osha Famous Quotes

I've got no great love for my own kind

This Osha Quote is rated: 2.83 from: 12 votes

All these swords, they should be going North

This Osha Quote is rated: 4.13 from: 8 votes

They say all sorts of crazy things North of the wall

This Osha Quote is rated: 3.33 from: 12 votes

Red things mean one thing boy: Dragons!

This Osha Quote is rated: 3.1 from: 10 votes

That's not how you skin a rabbit

This Osha Quote is rated: 3.4 from: 5 votes

You've got a big mouth girl, and too many teeth

This Osha Quote is rated: 2.57 from: 7 votes

I just don't understand how you Southerners do things

This Osha Quote is rated: 3.33 from: 9 votes