
Greyjoys Famous Quotes

Theon Greyjoy

In the Iron Islands, you're not a man until you've killed your first enemy

This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 1.83 from: 12 votes

Theon Greyjoy

They say hard places breed hard men and hard men rule the world

This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 2.9 from: 10 votes

Yara Greyjoy

I don't care what you want. Drink.

This Yara Greyjoy quote is rated: 2.89 from: 9 votes

Theon Greyjoy

My name is... Reek

This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 3.33 from: 6 votes

Yara Greyjoy

My brother is dead

This Yara Greyjoy quote is rated: 2.83 from: 6 votes

Euron Greyjoy

There's nothing quite like it, is there? The love of the people. Though I suppose you wouldn't know

This Euron Greyjoy Quote is rated: 2.33 from: 6 votes

Yara Greyjoy

I'm going to find out who did this. I'm going to feed them to the sharks while they live. I swear it by the Salt Throne

This Yara Greyjoy quote is rated: 2.77 from: 13 votes