
Greyjoys Famous Quotes

Yara Greyjoy

They conquer us, humiliate us, and go right back to forgetting we exist

This Yara Greyjoy quote is rated: 3.44 from: 18 votes

Theon Greyjoy

The runt of the litter. That one's yours, Snow.

This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 3.07 from: 15 votes

Yara Greyjoy

I'm going to pick the fastest ship in our fleet. I'm going to choose the best 50 killers on the Iron Islands

This Yara Greyjoy quote is rated: 2.11 from: 9 votes

Theon Greyjoy

My own father, your king, surrendered years ago to Robert Baratheon. I watched him bend the knee

This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 3 from: 10 votes

Balon Greyjoy

We do not sow. We are ironborn. We're not subjects. We're not slaves. We do not plow the fields or toil the mine. We take what is ours

This Balon Greyjoy quote is rated: 3.2 from: 20 votes

Theon Greyjoy

In civilized lands, you refer to your betters by their proper titles

This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 2.07 from: 15 votes

Balon Greyjoy

Your time with the wolves has made you weak.

This Balon Greyjoy quote is rated: 3.13 from: 8 votes