Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys Targaryen Famous Quotes

You are small men. None of you are fit to lead the Dothraki. But I am

This Daenerys Targaryen Quote is rated: 3.1 from: 21 votes

I know you're brave, I wouldn't have chosen a coward as my hand

This Daenerys Targaryen Quote is rated: 2.6 from: 5 votes

The dragons are my children, they are the only children I'll ever have

This Daenerys Targaryen Quote is rated: 4.2 from: 5 votes

My brother didn't know anything about dragons. He didn't know anything about anything

This Daenerys Targaryen Quote is rated: 2.81 from: 16 votes

Can you teach me how to make the Khal Happy?

This Daenerys Targaryen Quote is rated: 2.76 from: 21 votes

How can I rule seven kingdoms if I can't control slaver's bay?

This Daenerys Targaryen Quote is rated: 2.8 from: 15 votes

If you ever betray me, I'll burn you alive

This Daenerys Targaryen Quote is rated: 2.6 from: 5 votes