The Dothraki follow strength above all Khaleesi, you'll have a true Khalasar when you prove yourself strong
This Daenerys Targaryen Quote is rated: 3.08 from: 13 votesI am Daenerys Stormborn, of house Targaryen, of the blood of old Valyria. I am the Dragon's daughter
This Daenerys Targaryen Quote is rated: 3.04 from: 26 votesThe world haven't seen dragons in centuries, until my children were born
This Daenerys Targaryen Quote is rated: 2.5 from: 6 votesThey can live in my new world or they can die in their old one
This Daenerys Targaryen Quote is rated: 3.11 from: 18 votesI value your advise, but if you ever question me in front of strangers again, you'll be advising someone else
This Daenerys Targaryen Quote is rated: 2.17 from: 12 votesI am your Khaleesi, I tell you what is forbidden
This Daenerys Targaryen Quote is rated: 2.89 from: 9 votesI'm no ordinary women. My dreams come true
This Daenerys Targaryen Quote is rated: 3.21 from: 14 votes