
Baratheons Famous Quotes

Joffrey Baratheon

A true champion defeats all the challengers

This Joffrey Baratheon Quote is rated: 2.56 from: 9 votes

Tommen Baratheon

I am the king! The queen is in prison and there is nothing I can do!

This Tommen Baratheon quote is rated: 2.87 from: 15 votes

Tommen Baratheon

The Crown has decided that from this day forward, trial by combat will be forbidden throughout the Seven Kingdoms.

This Tommen Baratheon quote is rated: 2.24 from: 17 votes

Selyse Baratheon

You have no idea what people will do

This Selyse Baratheon quote is rated: 2.43 from: 7 votes

Renly Baratheon

Negotiating with Stannis? You heard him out there. I'd have better luck debating the wind!

This Renly Baratheon Quote is rated: 2.6 from: 10 votes

Tommen Baratheon

The Crown and the Faith are the twin pillars upon which the world rests. Together we will restore the Seven Kingdoms to glory

This Tommen Baratheon quote is rated: 2.07 from: 15 votes