There is a war coming Ned. I don't know when, I don't know who we'll be fighting, but it's coming
This Robert Baratheon Quote is rated: 2.62 from: 42 votesThe king is supposed to be the Protector of the Realm. If I can't even protect my own wife or my own mother, what good am I?
This Tommen Baratheon quote is rated: 2.18 from: 22 votesYou remember me at 16? All I wanted to do was crack skulls
This Robert Baratheon Quote is rated: 2.61 from: 46 votesIt's a neat little trick you do, you move your lips and your father's voice comes out
This Robert Baratheon Quote is rated: 2.33 from: 30 votesWe'll crush the Northerners, hand their Lords, burn their strongholds, sow their fields with salt, and no one will think of rebelling for another century
This Joffrey Baratheon Quote is rated: 2.62 from: 13 votesYou're too old to protect anyone
This Joffrey Baratheon Quote is rated: 2.56 from: 16 votesI'll kill every Targaryen I get my hands on.
This Robert Baratheon Quote is rated: 2.38 from: 29 votes