So Instead, we should settle our differences and live in harmony for the rest of our days?
This Cersei Lannister Quote is rated: 2.57 from: 14 votes
I don't trust Godly men
This Petyr Baelish Quote is rated: 3.71 from: 14 votes
Sometimes the best way to baffle them is to make moves that have no purpose, or even seem to work against you. Remember that, Sansa, when you come to play the game. The only game, the Game of Thrones
This Petyr Baelish Quote is rated: 3.44 from: 32 votes
You should consider yourself lucky. At least your balls won't freeze off.
This Tyrion Lannister Quote is rated: 5 from: 1 votes
Northerners don't much trust outsiders
This Jon Snow Quote is rated: 4 from: 1 votes