All Game of Thrones Quotes

Brandon Stark

I can see things that happened in the past. I can see things happening now all over the world.

This Branden Stark Quote is rated: 3.54 from: 13 votes

Brandon Stark

Jon isn't really my father's son. He's the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and my aunt, Lyanna Stark. He was born in a tower in Dorne. His last name isn't really Snow, it's Sand

This Branden Stark Quote is rated: 2.75 from: 8 votes

Brandon Stark

Robert's Rebellion was built on a lie. Rhaegar didn't kidnap my aunt or rape her. He loved her. And she loved him

This Branden Stark Quote is rated: 2.74 from: 19 votes

Brandon Stark

He's never been a bastard. He's the heir to the Iron Throne

This Branden Stark Quote is rated: 2.88 from: 16 votes