I've been a member of the Kingsguard since before you were born
This Jaime Lannister Quote is rated: 1.67 from: 3 votes
You have served your house and your king faithfully for many years. And you will continue to do so. But not in this city
This Tommen Baratheon quote is rated: 1.93 from: 14 votes
You didn't lose Riverrun. You let the Blackfish take it from you
This Walder Frey Quote is rated: 1.8 from: 50 votes
when I told you to hunt him down and kill him, you couldn't find him. That's what it means
This Walder Frey Quote is rated: 1.4 from: 42 votes
For 300 years we kissed Tully boots, swore oaths to them and their stinking fish banners. Not again. Riverrun is ours
This Walder Frey Quote is rated: 2.11 from: 46 votes
They're laughing at us. All across the Riverlands right down to King's Landing, they're laughing at us. I hear it in my sleep!
This Walder Frey Quote is rated: 1.54 from: 50 votes