To die in the service of the gods would please each and every one of us
This High Sparrow quote is rated: 2.6 from: 15 votes
Together we announce a new age of harmony. A holy alliance between the Crown and the Faith
This High Sparrow quote is rated: 1.83 from: 6 votes
The Crown and the Faith are the twin pillars upon which the world rests. Together we will restore the Seven Kingdoms to glory
This Tommen Baratheon quote is rated: 1.86 from: 14 votes
Anyone who attacks the Crown is unfit to serve as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard
This Tommen Baratheon quote is rated: 2.18 from: 17 votes
I've been a member of the Kingsguard since before you were born
This Jaime Lannister Quote is rated: 1.67 from: 3 votes