It is rare to meet a Lannister who shares my enthusiasm for dead Lannisters
This Oberyn Martell quote is rated: 3.27 from: 56 votesIt's a big and beautiful world, most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any of it
This Oberyn Martell quote is rated: 2.95 from: 79 votesSize does not matter when you're flat on your back
This Oberyn Martell quote is rated: 2.55 from: 76 votesSome believe the sky is blue because we live inside the eye of a blue eyed giant
This Oberyn Martell quote is rated: 2.19 from: 77 votesI will be your champion!
This Oberyn Martell quote is rated: 2.46 from: 54 votesI will begin with Ser Gregor Clegane, who killed my sister's children and then killed her with their blood still on his hands before killing her, too
This Oberyn Martell quote is rated: 2.41 from: 66 votesAfter I turn sad, I grow angry
This Oberyn Martell quote is rated: 2.58 from: 43 votesToday is not the day I die
This Oberyn Martell quote is rated: 2.91 from: 32 votesHave they told you who I am?
This Oberyn Martell quote is rated: 2.26 from: 27 votesWe don't hurt little girls in Dorne
This Oberyn Martell quote is rated: 2.16 from: 43 votes