Thousands will die at your command. You will betray the men serving you. You will betray your family. You will betray everything you once held dear
This Melisandre Quote is rated: 3.93 from: 15 votesIf half an onion is black with rot, it's a rotten onion
This Melisandre Quote is rated: 3.47 from: 15 votesI see a darkness in you, and in that darkness, eyes starring back at me. Brown eyes, blue eyes, green eyes. Eyes you'll shut forever
This Melisandre Quote is rated: 3.37 from: 19 votesThere's only one hell princess, the one we live in now
This Melisandre Quote is rated: 3.24 from: 17 votesI am not your servant, Jon Snow
This Melisandre Quote is rated: 3.2 from: 10 votesDeath is coming for everyone and everything. A darkness that will swallow the dawn
This Melisandre Quote is rated: 4.09 from: 11 votesIn the ancient books it's written that a warrior will draw a burning sword from the fire. And that sword shall be Lightbringer
This Melisandre Quote is rated: 3.88 from: 17 votesFor the night is dark and full of terrors
This Melisandre Quote is rated: 3.89 from: 28 votesDeath by fire is the purest death
This Melisandre Quote is rated: 3.67 from: 12 votesI will never abandon you. You are the son of Fire
This Melisandre Quote is rated: 3.89 from: 9 votes