He would see this country burn if he could be King of the ashes
This Lord Varys Quote is rated: 3.47 from: 36 votesKnowledge is my trade
This Lord Varys Quote is rated: 4.33 from: 15 votesMy role is to be sly, obsequious and without scruples
This Lord Varys Quote is rated: 3.44 from: 9 votesThere have been few rules in history as cruel as the Mad King
This Lord Varys Quote is rated: 2 from: 5 votesSome doors close forever, others open in most unexpected places
This Lord Varys Quote is rated: 3.74 from: 23 votesI am not a torturer. Though it so often is what people deserve. And it does provide answer. But they're usually the wrong answers
This Lord Varys Quote is rated: 4.08 from: 12 votesThe birds sing in the west, the birds sing in the east, if one knows how to listen
This Lord Varys Quote is rated: 3.41 from: 32 votesNorth or South, they sing no songs for spiders
This Lord Varys Quote is rated: 3.82 from: 17 votesWhen I see what desire does to people, what it's done to this country, I'm very glad to have no part in it
This Lord Varys Quote is rated: 3.5 from: 14 votesLittlefinger is one of the most dangerous men in Westeros
This Lord Varys Quote is rated: 3.67 from: 12 votes