I return to your service my queen, if you'd have me
This Jorah Mormont Quote is rated: 2.7 from: 10 votesKhaleesi, my Queen, I vow to serve you, obey you, to die for you if need be.
This Jorah Mormont Quote is rated: 3.47 from: 32 votesIf I ever kill you, your eyes will be wide open
This Jorah Mormont Quote is rated: 3.54 from: 24 votesThere is no word for "Thank you" in Dothraki.
This Jorah Mormont Quote is rated: 2.77 from: 26 votesEverytime the Qartheen shut their gates on a traveler, the garden grows
This Jorah Mormont Quote is rated: 2.47 from: 15 votesThe Dothraki have never crossed the narrow sea. They fear any water their horses can't drink
This Jorah Mormont Quote is rated: 2.85 from: 26 votesTo win Westeros, you need support from Westeros
This Jorah Mormont Quote is rated: 2.6 from: 20 votesRhaegar fought valiantly, Rahegar fought nobly, and Rhaegar died
This Jorah Mormont Quote is rated: 2.68 from: 19 votesBlood of my blood
This Jorah Mormont Quote is rated: 2.63 from: 24 votesI killed a Dothraki bloodrider in single combat
This Jorah Mormont Quote is rated: 2.69 from: 13 votes