My sword is yours, in victory and defeat, from this day until my last day
This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 2.71 from: 14 votesAll wildlings are liars and savages with no loyalty to anything or anyone
This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 2.14 from: 7 votesWhat is dead may never die
This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 2.8 from: 5 votesI didn't murder the Stark boys. But I did things that were just as bad or worse
This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 3 from: 2 votesI want to fight for Winterfell, Lady Sansa... If you'll have me.
This Theon Greyjoy quote is rated: 3.5 from: 2 votes