
Starks Famous Quotes

Jon Snow

My father was highborn, my mother wasn't

This Jon Snow Quote is rated: 3.41 from: 17 votes

Arya Stark

Nothing's worth anything to dead men

This Arya Stark Quote is rated: 3.24 from: 17 votes

Jon Snow

There are 5 pups. One for each of the stark children. The Direwolf is the sigil of your house. They were meant to have them.

This Jon Snow Quote is rated: 3.23 from: 22 votes

Eddard "Ned" Stark

I'll fear the Dothraki the day they teach their horses to run on water

This Ned Stark Quote is rated: 3.4 from: 20 votes

Jon Snow

I want a great many things your grace, but I'm a sworn brother of the night's watch now

This Jon Snow Quote is rated: 3.5 from: 18 votes

Brandon Stark

I'm Brandon Stark of Winterfell. If you don't let me be, I'll have you all killed

This Branden Stark Quote is rated: 3 from: 16 votes

Arya Stark

A girl will poison the rum

This Arya Stark Quote is rated: 3.2 from: 10 votes