Sansa Stark

Sansa Stark Famous Quotes

He plays with people. He's far better at it than you. He's been doing it all his life

This Sansa Stark Quote is rated: 3.46 from: 13 votes

If I'm going to die, let it happen while there's still some of me left

This Sansa Stark Quote is rated: 4 from: 12 votes

I was a stupid girl

This Sansa Stark Quote is rated: 3.75 from: 12 votes

Growing up at Winterfell, all I ever wanted was to escape

This Sansa Stark Quote is rated: 3.4 from: 10 votes

You should be on your knees thanking me, you're standing in Winterfell because of me. You didn't win it back, Jon didn't win it back. He lost the battle of the Bastards. The knights of the Vale won the battle, and they rode North for me

This Sansa Stark Quote is rated: 4.07 from: 15 votes

When you take the black, all your crimes are forgiven

This Sansa Stark Quote is rated: 3.64 from: 14 votes

I am the disgraced daughter of the traitor Ned Stark

This Sansa Stark Quote is rated: 3.42 from: 12 votes