
Martells Famous Quotes

Oberyn Martell

Tell your father I'm here. And tell him the Lannisters aren't the only ones who pay their debts

This Oberyn Martell quote is rated: 2.54 from: 52 votes

Oberyn Martell

Longsword is a bad option in close quarters

This Oberyn Martell quote is rated: 2.62 from: 53 votes

Oberyn Martell

I'm going to hear you confess before you die

This Oberyn Martell quote is rated: 2.4 from: 20 votes

Doran Martell

We do not mutilate little girls for vengeance

This Doran Martell quote is rated: 3.29 from: 7 votes

Oberyn Martell

Gregor Clegane, The Mountain, killed Elia and split her in half with his great sword

This Oberyn Martell quote is rated: 2.42 from: 26 votes

Oberyn Martell

I always drink before a fight

This Oberyn Martell quote is rated: 1.76 from: 17 votes

Oberyn Martell

I never realized you had such respect for Dorne, Lord Tywin

This Oberyn Martell quote is rated: 1.88 from: 24 votes