His sins do not pardon your own
This High Sparrow quote is rated: 3.08 from: 40 votesYou are the few, we are the many. And when the many stop fearing the few...
This High Sparrow quote is rated: 3.26 from: 57 votesA lifetime of wealth and power has left you blind in one eye
This High Sparrow quote is rated: 2.79 from: 19 votesI imagine this is strange for you. Everyone you meet has a hidden motive and you pride you
This High Sparrow quote is rated: 1.57 from: 14 votesBearing false witness before the gods is as grave a sin as any
This High Sparrow quote is rated: 2.39 from: 18 votesAll sinners are equal before the Gods
This High Sparrow quote is rated: 1.7 from: 10 votesWars teach people to obey the sword not the Gods
This High Sparrow quote is rated: 2.67 from: 21 votes