We both wanted to be other people when we were younger. You wanted to be a queen, to sit next to a handsome, young king on the Iron Throne. I wanted to be a knight, to pick up a sword like father and off to battle
This Arya Stark Quote is rated: 3.67 from: 12 votesYou want to do the asking? Are you sure? The game of faces didn't turn out so well for the last person who asked me questions
This Arya Stark Quote is rated: 2.67 from: 3 votesBack in Braavos before I got my first face, there was a game I used to play, the game of faces. It's simple, I ask you a question about yourself, and you try to make lies sound like the truth. If you fool me, you win, if I catch you lie, you lose
This Arya Stark Quote is rated: 3.29 from: 7 votesSometimes fear make people do unfortunate things
This Arya Stark Quote is rated: 1.75 from: 4 votesI didn't betray him, I didn't betray Robb, I didn't betray my entire family for my beloved Joffrey
This Arya Stark Quote is rated: 3 from: 4 votesI remember you, standing on that platform with Joffrey and Cersei when they dragged father to the block. I remember the pretty dress you were wearing. I remember the fancy way you did your hair
This Arya Stark Quote is rated: 1.75 from: 4 votesI would have let them kill me before I betray my family
This Arya Stark Quote is rated: 2.2 from: 5 votes