All Game of Thrones Quotes


They'd take your head off and shoulders if they was feeling kind, if not, they'd kill you slow

This Ygritte quote is rated: 2.44 from: 32 votes


Strike hard and true, Jon Snow, or I'll come back and hunt you

This Ygritte quote is rated: 2.27 from: 71 votes

Cersei Lannister

One day I pray you love someone, I pray you love her so much, when you close your eyes, you see her face

This Cersei Lannister Quote is rated: 3.63 from: 8 votes

Cersei Lannister

I want you to know what it's like to love someone, to truly love someone, before I take her from you

This Cersei Lannister Quote is rated: 3.5 from: 16 votes

Tyrion Lannister

We've had vicious kings and we've had idiot kings, but I don't know if we've ever been cursed with a vicious idiot for a king

This Tyrion Lannister Quote is rated: 3.95 from: 66 votes