All Game of Thrones Quotes

Cersei Lannister

My Uncle Kevan has all the courage of a kitchen mouse

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This Cersei Lannister Quote is rated: 3 from: 10 votes


You fight pretty good for a little girl

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This Bronn Quote is rated: 1.86 from: 7 votes

High Sparrow

Bearing false witness before the gods is as grave a sin as any

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This High Sparrow quote is rated: 2.39 from: 18 votes

Sansa Stark

I'm Sansa Stark of Winterfell. This is my home and you can't frighten me

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This Sansa Stark Quote is rated: 4.33 from: 24 votes

Ramsay Bolton

Lying to your husband on his wedding night, that would be a bad way to start a marriage

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This Ramsay Bolton quote is rated: 3.11 from: 27 votes