All Game of Thrones Quotes

Robin Arryn

I'm Lord of the Vale, when I grow up, I'll be able to fly anybody who bothers me

This Robin Arryn Quote is rated: 3.08 from: 13 votes

Petyr Baelish

A lot can happen between now and never

This Petyr Baelish Quote is rated: 4.32 from: 19 votes

Petyr Baelish

If you want to build a better home, first you must demolish the old one

This Petyr Baelish Quote is rated: 3.61 from: 18 votes

Petyr Baelish

Given the opportunity, what do we do to those who've hurt the ones we love?

This Petyr Baelish Quote is rated: 3.94 from: 16 votes

Petyr Baelish

In a better world, one where love could overcome strength and duty, you might have been my child

This Petyr Baelish Quote is rated: 4.06 from: 17 votes

Petyr Baelish

You're more beautiful than she ever was

This Petyr Baelish Quote is rated: 4 from: 13 votes

Lysa Arryn

I know what you did

This Lysa Arryn Quote is rated: 1.8 from: 5 votes