All Game of Thrones Quotes

Tyrion Lannister

Life is full of these little ironies. My sister married a new king and my repulsive nephew will be king after him

This Tyrion Lannister Quote is rated: 3.56 from: 16 votes

Tyrion Lannister

A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone.

This Tyrion Lannister Quote is rated: 3.76 from: 33 votes

Tyrion Lannister

Everything's better with some wine in the belly.

This Tyrion Lannister Quote is rated: 3.81 from: 26 votes

Daenerys Targaryen

Can you teach me how to make the Khal Happy?

This Daenerys Targaryen Quote is rated: 2.76 from: 21 votes