All Game of Thrones Quotes

Brienne Tarth

And when the Karstarks draw their swords, who wants to die defending a Lannister?

This Brienne of Tarth quote is rated: 2.6 from: 5 votes

Jaime Lannister

I've never been with a woman but Cersei. So in my own way, I have more honor than poor old dead Ned

This Jaime Lannister Quote is rated: 2.75 from: 8 votes

Yara Greyjoy

Which one gave you the tougher fight? The cripple or the 6 year old?

This Yara Greyjoy quote is rated: 4.52 from: 21 votes

Robb Stark

You think I'm fighting this war so they'll sing songs about me?

This Robb Stark Quote is rated: 3.14 from: 56 votes