Sansa can keep her sewing needles. I've got a needle of my own.
We both wanted to be other people when we were younger. You wanted to be a queen, to sit next to a handsome, young king on the Iron Throne. I wanted to be a knight, to pick up a sword like father and off to battle
With the faces I can choose. I can become someone else. Speak in their voice, live in their skin, I could even become you. I wonder what it would feel like to wear those dresses, to be the Lady of Winterfell. All I'd need to find out is your face
Back in Braavos before I got my first face, there was a game I used to play, the game of faces. It's simple, I ask you a question about yourself, and you try to make lies sound like the truth. If you fool me, you win, if I catch you lie, you lose